Yggdrasil, the Great Tree


Yggdrasil: The great world tree has many names and meanings.  It is the thing that connects everything together. Yggdrasil is connected to Paradox and the Origin Web. Paradox and the Origin Web are at the center of the tree and are connected to all the worlds and realities. Yggdrasil has many other names, the ancient Norse learned of Yggdrasil and called it thus. Other names that it is called are, the continuing web, the cosmic curtain, branches of reality, eternities’ cradle, the paths of continuation, Ventureion, Oacnor’lem, Tree of life, Tree of reality, river’s soul, lasting branches, Ail’lee, creation, and many, many others… Each branch and twig and leaf is its own universe with its own worlds and realms. Some are similar to other branches or worlds, while others are wildly different. It is all connected however, to the trunk of the tree, which is called the primary. Like many things Yggdrasil has light and dark sides. Earth, Terinta, the matrix, all the worlds that exist in our universe and all the alternate and parallel versions are all part of the light side. This also includes the universe the Kice reside in. All of the lighter sides of Yggdrasil are like the branches and leaves of the tree. The darker part of Yggdrasil is like the roots. These realms are disordered and filled with dark and evil beings such as many of the Cosmic Aelestials. Other beings reside there as well, Nyarlathotep, the alpha or Cthulhu, and many other dark and dreadful beings are there. These dark realms are sometimes called the realms of insanity. While like the branches of the tree, there are an infinite number of roots, but there are some that are seen as very dreadful. They are called the seven levels of dread. It is not fully known why they are called this because there are far more than just seven levels. Some believe that it is a mockery of the seven Kry, Despite why it is named that, the levels of dread are known to drive any mortal who is unlucky enough to get there insane…. While it is used in the reference of a tree, Yggdrasil does not get its life or nutrients from the roots or the leaves, instead it gets its life from the Origin Web and Paradox. Also Yggdrasil cannot die… The Vexis is like the vanes of Yggdrasil, and the little points of light are like its cells. 



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