The Tree of Light


The Tree of the Light: The Tree of the Light or Ty-Agti was the child of Ty-Anti, the first tree of Terinta. Ty-Agti was pure white and shown with great brilliants. Its branches were long that gave it a halo like appearance.  Its name Agti means the morning sun or the light of the morning, so its full name means precious light. Ty-Agti was a great teacher to the She and He, also known as the Fey. They learned from the tree how to shape-shift and change their form. They also learned how to create the fairies and pixies using free magic that was in the air. They were the first in Terinta to use spells to create things. Ty-Agti had a twin who was called Ty-Clemborr who was also known as the Tree of the Night. The two loved each other and held no hostilities to each other even though they were puller opposites of light and dark. When Ty-Agti left the mortal realm it chose to live on Imon’s world next to a sea shore. It also holds a place in Lormin’s world.          


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