The K'arey


The K’arey (pronounced K’are’e): (Before the Kry became Kry and gained great power and wisdom. They started out very similar to humans, not in appearance but in their actions and beliefs. They were named K’arey by the gods to both punish and teach the race on how to become like the gods are. Because it was so long ago, no one knows what the K’arey looked like before they became Kry. It is reasonable to conclude that they didn’t look anything like a human, but whatever there form was before they became Kry is a mystery only known by the Kry and the gods. The name K’arey means wretched and lowly, they basically cursed themselves because of their belief and attitude to other beings that also lived on Paradox. The K’arey were much like humans in there ingenuity and curious nature. While as K’arey they grew into a powerful race and explored the stars. While doing so the K’arey grew extremely technologically advanced and they created many powerful devises and spaceships. The Kry know longer use them, some of their creations are still around and operational. Many Kry refer to this technology as classic Kry tech. While most other races would see these devices as extremely powerful the Kry have moved beyond the use of them. Despite their great advancement the K’arey waged war over Paradox and polluted the planet to such an extent that they had to build massive domed cities as to survive. This was known as the last days of the K’arey, and also seen as their greatest test. The gods knew if the K’arey could choose to write the wrongs they had done to their world, and truly have a change of mind and heart, then they would pass the test and would be given great power and knowledge. It was thanks to Anti who helped open the eyes of his people in order for them to completely turn over a new leaf and want to become more then better. It was because of the sacrifices of many other K’arey such as the eventually seven Kry that the K’arey truly changed over night from greedy loathsome people, to kind and loving ones. It was because of this sudden and powerful change in the whole K’arey race that the gods changed their names to Kry, which means kind, wise, and powerful.            


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