The three werewolf cultures.

Blue Moon Werewolves: (Blue Moon Werewolves or blue moons are a sup culture of the werewolf race.) They are complete pacifists and see any kind of violence as evil and offensive. They are reclusive by nature and hardly interact with anyone. They are kind and peaceful and if anyone was injured or hurt they would take them in and help them get better. They believe in the virtues of kindness, love and truth.  There greatest strength is their strong belief in the Great One, the God of there world who they believe will protect them from any danger. They have a blue crescent shaped moon on their right arm. Orin grew up in a blue moon tribe with his twin brother and parents. He had a blue moon tattoo on his arm but it was removed by an evil wizard. Blue moon werewolves have a strong belief that the Great One has prepared a way for everyone to be together with their families forever. They believe that when they die, they will go to a paradise where they will meet all their lost loved ones. There they will wait for the day of the Great Ones judgment of mercy and justice where they will gain there physical bodies back and be glorified if they lived a good and loving life.

 Red Moon Werewolves: (Red Moon Werewolves or red moons, are a sub culture of the werewolf race.) They are known to be very dangerous and bloodthirsty. Unlike the Silver moons and the blue moons they think that werewolves are a superior race and see anything else as inferior. They also have an interesting habit were they keep their bodies in a state between a wolf and human. This makes them look to be more animal like in their faces.  They have pointed ears when in this state and their eyes glow a reddish yellow. While this gives them a more menacing look and it makes them stronger, if kept this way their bodies could remain in that state permanently. They have a tattoo on their chests that looks like a red moon. Red moon werewolves believe that when you die your soul is sent to a waist land where you eventually become nothing and fade away. This was one of the reasons why Orin’s father left the Red moons and became a blue moon werewolf. The red moon werewolves have a deep respect for the birth of a new child into their pack. To them, the child is an avatar to all their dead, and so has multiple futures. It is not uncommon for red moon werewolves to have large and joyful celebrations whenever a new child is born in their pack.

 Silver Moon Werewolves: (Silver Moon Werewolves, or Silver Moons are a sub culture of werewolf.) They are in the middle of the perspective of the two other kind of werewolves in Terinta. They aren’t as violent as the red moons and they aren’t full pacifists like blue moons. Because of this they don’t live in tribes or groups like the others do. They live with others in Terinta like cities or towns. Unlike the other two cultures they have no large code they should live or any kind of cultural belief only conclusive to them. They can be just as peaceful or dangerous as a blue moon or red moon werewolf. However most of them see the red moons as vile and untrustworthy, while seeing blue moons as to pacifistic and unwilling to help when fighting is necessary. There are more silver moon werewolves then there are red or blue moons. They have a crescent moon shaped tattoo on their left arm.         


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